Intl. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers







Essex County Union Members

Tuition Reimbursement Program for Essex County Union Members in the Main Group, Craft Foreman, Commissioner of Registration, Division of Training & Employment/WIA, Prosecutor’s Clericals and Unit Managers & Supervisors!

In accordance with provisions outlined in the I.B.E.W. Local 1158 contractual agreements with Essex County, the County has established guidelines with the bargaining units for tuition reimbursement for each year of the contract.

In order to apply and receive tuition reimbursement, the following requirements must be meet:

  1. The employee must obtain prior written approval from the Department Director.(Form 1A)
  2. The course must be taken at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  3. The course must be taken on the employee’s own time.
  4. The employee must show proof of attendance and a grade level of at least “B” or its equivalent. If course is pass/fail, then “pass” is acceptable.
  5. The course must be job related. The department director has exclusive and sole authority to determine if a course is job related, and that decision is not subject to the grievance and arbitration process.
  6. The maximum reimbursement amount per credit is the per credit cost at Essex County College.
  7. The employee must sign a commitment to continue employment with the County for two (2) years.  The two (2) year commitment shall commence at the completion of the last course taken by the employee.  If an employee fails to meet this requirement, then  all tuition reimbursed up to that point shall be repaid to the County.(Form 1B)
  8. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted no later than December 31. Reimbursement will be made in the first quarter of the subsequent year, provided that the request is submitted by December 31st of the preceding year. (Form 2&3)
  9. It is understood that, if the amount of tuition reimbursement sought by the employee and approved by the Department Director is less than that allotted to that particular bargaining group, the remaining money reverts to the County.
  10. If the total cost incurred by all employees exceeds that amount allotted to that particular bargaining group, then employees will receive a pro-rated amount of tuition spent, i.e. the fund shall be divided equally among the applicants but no one shall receive more than the requested tuition reimbursement amount.

Associated Documents For Download

Disability Program

If you are not currently in enrolled in I.B.E.W. Local 1158 Disability Program and would like To join open enrollment is January 1st.  If you are interested, please complete a Disability Authorization Form and return it to our office.

Associated Documents For Download

Benefit Limits and Eligibility Summary

Eligibility Effective Date

  • Optical Plan- One month from date initiated into IBEW 1158 Union.
  • Dental Plan-   Three (3) months from the date initiated into IBEW 1158.
  • Disability- Member must agree to participate in this plan. Benefits are effective the 1st day of the month per one month of contribution are received by the fund.

Member Spouse and Children are covered for the following funds:

  • Dental Plan - $2,000.00. total family per benefit calendar year (MPY)
  • Optical Plan-
    • Up to $ 55.00 for Exam per Claimant once per benefit year (MPY)
    • Up to $225.00 for Glasses or Contacts per Claimant once per benefit year (MPY)

Member Covered Only:(Member must elect to participate in the below benefit)

  • Disability Plan - Up to $250.00 per week max of 26 weeks per disability.

Please read I.B.E.W. Local 1158 Essex County Members Welfare Plan Fund Booklet for more information regarding the benefits listed above.